It's Saturday morning and no, I haven't hit the sack yet. Still trying to "destress" after a long week. In any case, I figure this is a good a time as any to share with you some cool sites that I've "discovered" over the past few weeks:
An adventurous site that attempts to "link" bloggers from all over the world. It's a pretty daunting task I'm sure, but I guess someone's got to give it a go. The maps work a lot like Google Earth, in terms of the way you can get upclose and personal with the maps in order to see where all of the bloggers are writing from. I've linked this blog to the page and it's interesting to see who else around you blogs as well.
This is a pretty cool site if you are into fantasy baseball or baseball pools. If you don't know anything about baseball pools, the 13 run pool is a popular one in watering holes and offices around the country. The basic premise is a simple one: You randomly select a baseball team. Then you sit back and watch with the hopes that your team score 0 - 13 runs. Each day your team plays, if they achieve a particular score that falls between 0-13, you mark that number off of your list. Once they hit a particular number, the list dwindles until you achieve the task of eliminating all of the runs on your list. The first team that does just that (score 0-13 runs), wins the pool. Not as easy as it sounds, but just as fun to be involved in.
What's cool about this site is that it tracks the scores for you or your league of members. Makes your job very easy. Check it out.
Ok, now I'm getting sleepy. Don't forget about YANKEES/METS this afternoon at 1pm; DETROIT vs DALLAS in hockey playoff action at 1:30pm and the Preakness Stakes at 5pm.
KICK THE KEG Saturday is also in full effect today with $2.00 Mugs, ALL BEERS ON TAP!!! (12pm - 8pm)!
Nuff Said
1 comment:
For 13run, this site is a little bit more advanced... It lets you create permanent leagues/teams with profiles and smack-talk.
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