1. She loves me.
2. She has a heart for helping others.
3. She shimmies when she walks.
4. She has a strong work ethic.
5. She takes care of me.
6. She holds me when I need it.
7. She likes good music.
8. She takes showers with me because she knows I like it.
9. Margaritas from Cabo make her loopy.
10. She chases me around the bed all night long.
11. She looks me in the eye.
12. She’s not afraid to apologize.
13. She dreams big.
14. She doesn’t ask me to go to the movies (even though she loves them) because I hate them.
15. She’s honest with herself.
16. She scratches her head when she’s thinking.
17. She loves her family.
18. She shucks oysters like it’s her day job.
19. She asks me how my day was.
20. She wants to raise babies.
21. She supports my decisions.
22. She’s honest with me (even when I don’t want her to be).
23. She named her car, “Lois.”
24. She loves her cats (even Jackson).
25. She’s curious about my dreams.
26. She lets me hang with my boyz.
27. She’s loyal.
28. She has messy handwriting.
29. She buys the most unexpected, best gifts.
30. She knows exactly what I want.
31. She eats paczkis with me.
32. She can’t say paczkis.
33. She sacrifices things to be with me.
34. She tells me the difference between itching and scratching.
35. She’s passionate.
36. She’s creative.
37. She calls me “baby.”
38. She takes me to Boudreaux’s even though she doesn’t like it.
39. She doesn’t sleep on the couch when she’s mad.
40. She pushes me to be a better person.
41. She teaches me new things.
42. She read the NY Times on Sunday mornings.
43. She’s smart.
44. She knows what I need (even when I don’t think I need it).
45. She puts up with my stubbornness.
46. She makes me feel like the most beautiful woman alive.
47. She touches my soul.
48. She always has laundry to do.
49. She wears 100 year old karate t-shirts.
50. She lets me be myself.
51. She listens to me (even when I babble).
52. She doesn’t talk about money because she knows it bothers me.
53. She’s curious.
54. She likes to cook.
55. She drinks Labatt’s with me.
56. She watches her temper.
57. She covers me up when I’m cold.
58. She gets nervous when she has to go to the bathroom.
59. She laughs from her heart.
60. She’s kind.
61. She loves the environment.
62. She gets me tickets.
63. She’s gentle.
64. She wants the best for others.
65. She loves her friends.
66. She’ll talk to anyone.
67. She doesn’t hold grudges (for too long).
68. She goes to scary doctor’s appointments with me.
69. She planned the perfect vacation to the swamps for us.
70. She trusts me.
71. She doesn’t raise her voice.
72. She takes me to the beach.
73. She worries about making me happy.
74. She makes me insanely happy.
75. She uses my shampoo.
76. She loves UNC basketball.
77. She snores silly when she first falls asleep.
78. She lets me wear her socks when I forget mine.
79. She compliments my work.
80. She has faith in my abilities.
81. She drove all the way out to my work to eat lunch with me.
82. She drinks Pellegrino out of the container.
83. She takes care of her mom.
84. She worries about her sisters.
85. She forgives.
86. She has knobby knees.
87. She’s patient with me.
88. She loves how well I know her.
89. She looks sexy in work clothes.
90. She likes to show me off.
91. She loves on me in public.
92. She’s proud to be with me.
93. She worries about things.
94. She watches “Meet the Press.”
95. She misses me when I’m gone.
96. She tells me I’m beautiful.
97. She’s responsible.
98. She can’t ever find her phone charger.
99. She likes when I tickler her back.
100. She’s a selfless lover.
101. She’s my life.
Aw :D
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