Written by:
Title: No Place Without You. Chapter Three.
Fandom: NHL: Dallas Stars.
Characters: Mike Modano, Brenden Morrow.
Word Count: 2,612.
Rating: PG.
Summary: A little pillow talk is good for the soul.
Author's Notes: This is set on November 19, 2006, a day off. It was inspired by me finding Mike’s 94 rookie card in a pile of old cards.
"Come on, you've got to laugh about it." Laughs more.
"It's so funny. Being ancient."
"No, you're not ancient, you've...been around the block once, twice, a dozen times." Snickers.
"Shut up."
Gasping, "What? You can't find it funny? Laugh, you'll feel better. Laughter keeps you young."
"You'd know. You're twelve."
"Hey! I at least hit fifteen."
Scoffs, "You're a child. I should be embarrassed."
"I should be embarrassed for dating Father Time. Lighten up."
"Fuck you, lighten up." Starts to snicker. "You're the one that attacked me when you got here."
"The sign didn't say don't feed the wild animals?" Tackles him, fingers digging into his sides to tickle.
Laughs, letting himself be tackled, flipping them over. "You feed 'em once, you keep 'em."
"Oof!" His hands still continue to move, "So it was really your own problem."
"Not my problem at all. You started it. And now I know it was because you had posters!"
Laughs, so that his whole body shakes, "Yeah, if I didn't have those, I would have been so lost when I got here."
"You decided who you wanted to conquer, huh?"
"Oh yeah, I made up a hit list. I wasn't even worried about making the team."
Scoffs, "Well, that wasn't up for question. It was more about if you could get me."
"Maybe you were at the bottom of the list."
Scoffs, pinning him down with a sudden hard kiss.
"Mmm...bottom's not a bad place to be."
"You've never had a complaint."
"Oh I bitch and whine when you're not lookin'."
"I know. I get to hear all the complaints about you."
"What? Who doesn't love me?"
A look, "No one else better love you."
"Everybody should love me. I'm very loveable."
Another look. Growling, "Mine."
"You gonna hurt people for looking?"
"Oh yeah, I fucking like that look. Now, what are these complaints?"
Smirks, "Not allowed to say."
"Of course you can!"
Smirks more, says nothing.
"Your loyalty is to me first above everybody."
"You think so?"
"Yeah, that's what I think. That's what you think too."
"You know what I'm thinking?"
"On this subject, you're knowable."
"So you keep trying to tell me." Laughs.
"Okay, I did some telling. Go on, you do some telling. Like these phantom complaints."
"Maybe they're not even real."
"Didn't I say that? Nobody would complain about me."
"Must not be."
Laughs, "Having fun fucking with me?"
"I always seem to."
"Do you remember how to laugh now?"
"I might."
"Who did you have? Poster-wise, back in the day."
"I'm not that pathetic." Smirks.
"Everybody had posters. You're still included in everybody, Mike."
"I know. I'm just not telling."
"Fuck you, share. I can ask your mother."
"Nope." Smirks.
"I'm serious. Telling embarrassing stories about you is one of her duties in life. Either you spill or she will."
"She'll put it up on the site."
Laughs, "You don't want that."
"No one sees it anyway."
"People see it, that's why they call it the 'world wide internet'."
"I wonder how much I'd have to kiss you to get you to forget all about this."
"Won't work. I wanna know who you put up on your walls and dreamed about at night."
"You dreamed about me?"
"You can't get out of telling me that easy."
"No, go back to that."
"What? That wasn't covered in the fantasy conversation?"
"Well, that's thought. But dreams? That's kinda freaky."
"Hey, I was young, they were pornographic. I told you, I got over it when I met you."
"I feel so cheap."
"Oh, are your feelings hurt?" Snickers, "I'll make you feel better, I got over it, because in person it was pretty clear you were way out of my league."
"Oh? Well, that does help."
Shoves him, "And, like that was what you were supposed to respond with."
"I am out of your league!"
"This looks pretty in my league!"
"Well, now."
"You said am. 'I am out of your league'."
"Oh, well . . . you know what I meant."
"No. I guess I didn't."
"Are your feelings hurt now?"
"Do you care about the little people from way up there?"
Laughs, leaning down to kiss him again, this time slowly.
Pushes him away, "I'm out of your league."
A look. "Don't make me take you."
"Yeah, so you can slum it?"
"Shut up." Pinning him harder, taking the kiss he was trying to get before.
Bites down on his lip, pulling away again, "No. If that's what you think about me."
"Ow! Hey." Licking his lip. "Brat. You just want me to talk about how I feel about you."
"No! I just found out that you don't respect me."
"Oh come on."
"You haven't said different. That was one of those slips!"
"Give me a break, Brenden. I am crazy in love with you. What does that tell you?"
Crosses his arms, "I don't know what it tells me."
"What do you want to hear?"
"The truth."
"I love you."
"Even though I'm in a different league?"
"You're not in a different league."
"Which one am I in?"
"Mine. Wherever I am."
"Show me."
"I tried to, you bit me!"
"I was mad at you! You deserved it!"
"No I didn't!"
"Yes you did!"
"Brenden, you are the best thing that's ever happened to me. Okay?"
"Yeah, I knew that." Grins, "Now kiss me like that."
Kisses him as requested, taking his time to make sure the message comes across.
"Oh, that's why I love you."
"Yeah, that's why."
"Too fuckin' perfect for your own good."
"Well, I have to deserve you." Smirks.
Grins, "Well I'm not going to hand my whole life over to just anybody."
"You had time to decide. What other posters did you have? Who was my competition?"
"Brett Hull and Forsberg."
"Hmm, tough. Good thing you didn't go to Colorado."
"You're really lucky I didn't take up with Brett when I got here. You just came around in Juniors. He was like, my boyhood idol."
"Oh, the truth comes out. I wasn't even your first pick."
"You kicked his ass in real life."
"How do you know?"
Laughs, "Did you? 'Cause I meant list wise. You blew him away."
"List wise?"
"Yeah, like once I met you and I met him, it was obvious who was better."
Raising an eyebrow, "How met?"
"You know, met. Shook hands, welcome aboard, kid."
"Uh huh."
"Hey, I was only one guy's rookie."
"Yeah? Didn't make the rounds of the posters?"
"Oh, yeah. I had him autograph it afterwards."
"You are a freak for even saying that."
"I bet that happens!" Laughs, "That ever happen to you after you fucked somebody?"
"That's not a no."
"Strange things happen."
Laughs out loud, "That's...."
"When you were a rookie, you would have."
"No I wouldn't have."
"Well, you were plotting to steal my job the whole time anyway."
"Yeah, I started my coup for day one. Plus, you sleep with me I don't need your autograph, I just need you."
"No detox for it."
"Don't even try."
Lifts his head up, to catch his mouth, "I'm in withdrawal."
"Mmm, gotta get your fix." Kisses him again, moving completely on top of him.
"That's what I'm here for, just one of those hopeless cases that can't be helped."
"Keep it that way. I couldn't stop loving you if I tried."
"You're trying? I'll kick his ass, if anyone ever tries to get you to."
"I might lie just to see you do it."
"Anybody ever tries to make a move, I wanna know."
"Yes, sir, Captain." Snickers.
Groans, "I'm gonna pretend that wasn't said to mock me."
"No, really, don't even pretend."
"I have to pretend, so I don't wanna hit you."
"You don't want to hit me. You love me." Laughs.
"That doesn't get you out of everything."
"Actually it does. That, and the fact that I can make you forget what you were talking about."
"You know how unethical that is? Abuse of power."
"Turn me in."
"Citizen's arrest."
"Now what will you do?" Grins down at him.
"I should probably handcuff you to something so you don't get away."
"Hmm, that's an idea." Sits up a little, grabbing his wrists and pinning his arms over his head. "Like this?"
"I think you got it backwards, who was getting arrested."
"Well, maybe. But go with it. What else?"
Laughs, "Could be concealing dangerous weapons. Search is probably in order."
Looks to his right and left, "Nothing to tie these down." Indicates his wrists. "Keep 'em there."
"Just cause you say?" Crosses his wrists, and leaves them where they are.
Nods, sliding his hands slowly down his body, concentrating on feeling him, really touching everything, his complete attention on learning from every touch.
Watches him as he moves over his body, mouth falling open, subconsciously licking his lips, "F-find anything, dangerous?"
Quietly, "Not sure yet. I need to keep searching." Leans down to kiss him. The same as his hands, the kiss is exploring and learning all over again.
Unable to keep his hands motionless, buries them in Mike's hair, while he returns the kiss.
Shivers, speaking very softly, "Dangerous." A breath. "I think I forgot who was supposed to be silenced."
"You have to be ready for a little resisting arrest."
"I don't see any resisting."
Feels along his body, "You don't even have me secured. I could take your weapon."
"You were supposed to keep your hands there."
Grins, "I'm resisting. Can you handle it?"
"Mmm, I think I am."
"You'll never bring me in like that."
Kisses down to his neck and shoulder, murmuring, "I have you. I don't have to take you. You'll turn yourself in."
"Yeah, I'll do that, you know, from the goodness of my own heart. I'm a fuckin' criminal."
"I don't see a lot of resisting, though. You're a pretty calm criminal."
Attempts to roll them over to land on top, "I'm never calm."
"Calm, almost listless." Lets him land on top, but keeps hold, now wrapping his arms around him.
Sits up, straddling him, pinning down his shoulders, "I'm one badass mother fucker, don't fuckin' forget it."
Laughs, but quickly clears his throat.
"I could fuck you up if I wanted."
"Mmm, you could."
"I spill blood all the time. You wanna be next?"
"You're sweet and gentle, I don't believe you could."
Kisses him roughly, "I could bite you again."
"Mmm, I could like that."
"You aren't allowed to enjoy it."
"Oh. Right. How terrible!"
Starts laughing, "Good thing they don't let you act."
"Shut up. We're having a moment."
"Stick with the script then."
"What's my line?"
"You're afraid, very afraid."
"Oh, right. Terrified."
Falls onto his back laughing.
"Well, it's not my fault you're not scary!"
"Ask the people we play, I'm very scary!"
Laughs, turning to his side, "You're not. I don't care who I ask. You're not."
"If you had to fight me, you'd sing a different tune."
"I'd cheat."
"Yeah, how would you do that?"
Kisses him.
"Mmm, yeah, you can't do that on the ice."
"I might, if there was fighting."
"It'd ruin your image."
"And your marriage."
"Well that'd go in the positive column."
"You could always leave her."
A look. "I couldn't get out of marrying her."
"That's because 'Daddy' picked you."
Cringes, "Please don't fuckin' say it like that."
"Y'know what? I picked you too. Means more."
"Yeah, you did. Means a lot more."
"And I know how to treat you, too."
"I want to see some of this treatment."
"You have been." Moves closer to him, just running his hand over him, touching lightly. Quietly, maybe not realising he's saying it out loud, "Mm, I'm so lucky."
Smiles, "Can I get in on that? I'm just as lucky."
"Being lucky, I am too."
"Said that out loud, did I?"
"Yeah, didn't mean too, huh?"
"I meant it, just didn't know I said it. I am the luckiest guy in the world."
"No. Sorry, you can't be."
"I can so."
"Nope. Somebody got there before you."
"Okay, fine. Since you took my team, you are luckier than me."
Laughs, "I was luckier without the team."
"Nope. Before that, I had the guy, the kid, the team and no wife."
"Hey, you can't use that last one."
"Can so."
"No. It's' really low."
"But true."
"Yeah, but you cannot bring it up."
"Yes, I can. I have the right. And I can bring up taking you in the bathroom at the reception. Because that just brightens any conversation."
Closes his eyes, his breath picking up, "Yeah, that was really good. That fuckin' day was....but you and me."
"Might have been the best we ever had, that day. You know what? You are the luckiest guy."
"To have you to keep me sane?"
"Yeah. That you have the kind of guy that would not only go to your wedding, but make it a good day."
"You made the rest of it not shit. Or at least kept me from wanting to hang myself in the hotel. That whole thing was --- is so fucked up."
"Go back to thinking about the bathroom."
"Yeah, the one time I really smiled all day was when I came out of there."
"I know. No, you smiled at my hand under the table, too."
"Yeah, so I smiled a lot at you." Clutches him a little tighter, "Was fuckin' scared."
"It wasn't so bad."
"Yeah, it fuckin' was. I thought I was gonna lose you at the time."
Makes a face, "No you didn't."
"You don't fuckin' know. I didn't know how it was going to work."
"Who cared how it was going to work? We knew damn well that it was going to work."
"Maybe you did. But that day was fuckin' terrifying."
"That's why I did what I did. Why I was there even if I didn't want to be, why we made love in the bathroom, why I made sure you knew damn well that it was going to work fine."
"You're going to keep doing that, right? Because some days I'm not the luckiest guy in the world. Sometimes you're all I got."
"That is why you're the luckiest." Smiles.
"Just having you?" Laughs, "I should argue, but I wanna believe that."
"And my team. Me and my team."
"Still your team."
"I still know that."
"You share your team with me, damn I'm lucky."
"I share my everything with you."
"I give a lot back."
"Like what?"
"My kid, me..." Laughs, "My team."
Laughs, kissing him gently, "My team. My kid. My you. Still don't see what you're offering up."
"They're only yours because I gave them to you."
"And if you didn't? Still would be mine."
"I don't see how that works."
"You think you gave you to me?"
"That's usually how it works."
Laughs, "Sure you did."
"I wouldn't be here if I didn't."
"Maybe I seduced you."
"Oh yeah? I don't remember it."
"So you do admit you jumped me? See? I was right."
"No. Just your seduction must not have been memorable."
Shoves him, "Get out of my bed."
Laughs and moves closer to him. "My bed."
"Our bed." Kisses him.
"Yeah, that's right. Can't kick me out."
"Yeah, Mike?"
"That all you got?"
"That's it."
"Guess, I'll have to take it then."
"Guess you will."
"I love you."
Smiles. "That all you got?"
"Is it enough?"
"More than enough."
"That's everything then."
"We're pretty lucky."
"Really couldn't ask for much more."
Kisses him slowly, honestly.
"Mike, just like this, okay?"
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