Mostly because I haven't posted in awhile. I've been a little out-of-fandom lately--getting cranky with the animated series, which is probably unfair to it. I'm hardly the target demographic! Anyway, not got much to report, so I present to you the longest meme in the world!
Name: Sarah
Nicknames: I either dislike them or they're too mushy to put here.
Location: Norfolk, VA
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue-grey
Height: 5'2"
Birthday: December 18
Year Born In: 1977
Fallen down the stairs?: Not a full-on fall from top to bottom.
Fallen off the balcony?: Nope!
Broke a bone?: Not that I know of.
Fainted?: Yes. In the breakfast line back at boarding school, which caused quite the excitement!
Got cheated on?: Well, I can't swear it's a 'no' but I have faith that it is.
Kissed someone?: Yes
Lied to someone?: Well, duh.
Been in a fist fight?: Not really. I had a full on catfight with another girl when I was 11.
Fallen for your bestfriend?: Well, technically he became my best friend when I fell for him? And he was my housemate, so that's a bit of a no-no right there. Good thing it worked out.
Been in love?: Last I checked. :)
Cheated on someone?: No.
Burned yourself?: Yes, several minor ones. The most memorable time was a chemistry lesson which gave me the imprint of a nail (the metal kind) on my thumb for a week.
Caught something on fire?: I remember we set fire to the grass in the field where we were camping in Girl Guides once. Fortunately, like good little guides, we had our fire bucket to hand, so it didn't end in tragedy.
Made out?: Yes
Snuck out?: No. I was a tame teenager.
Pulled an all nighter?: Yes.
Been to jail?: Only on a school trip.
Skipped school?: I know I once pretended to be more sick than I was.
walked alone at night?: Yes, still do, if I know the area's safe.
Smoked a cigar?: No.
Stolen a car?: No
Seen someone die?: No
Shoplifted?: I stole some tinsel from a shop decoration once. Does that count?
Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?: Not serious feelings.
Been arrested?: No.
Had a crush on a teacher?: Good lord, no. We had a very dull selection.
Been on a plane?: Yes
Purposely set a part of yourself on fire?: Er.... no.... (who wrote this?)
Been snowboarding?: No.
Taken painkillers?: Yes.
Laid on your back and watched the clouds go by?: Yes. Sometimes I watch the ceiling go by.
Questioned your heart?: I suppose so. I gave it some thought before getting married, after all.
Been obsessed with post-it notes?: Erm, I get obsessed about a lot of things, but I don't think post-it notes come under the fascination category.
Squished barefoot through the mud?: Probably.
Been lost?: Oh, all the time. I have no sense of direction.
Been to the opposite side of the country?: Yes. And assuming that the original meme'er meant the USA, I've been to both sides of that country (and both sides of Canada, for that matter).
Swam in the ocean?: Pacific, Atlantic and Indian! In that order.
Felt like dying?: Frequently. If you mean seriously suicidal or thinking that I'm dying... no.
Cried yourself to sleep?: Of course!
Played cops and robbers?: Probably.
Recently colored with crayons/coloured pencils/markers?: No. But I spend a lot of time writing the names on the kids' creations at school.
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?: Started going out with my housemate.
Made prank phone calls?: Not really. When I was seven, I dialed a random number just to try the phone out, but I just said 'sorry, wrong number' and hung up.
Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose?: No.
Caught a snowflake on your tongue?: Yes.
Danced in the rain?: Yes.
Written a letter to Santa Claus?: Don't remember.
Been kissed underneath a mistletoe?: Don't think so.
Watched the sun rise with someone you care about?: Yes.
Blown bubbles?: Of course!
Made a bonfire on the beach?: Made a campfire on a beach, but not a bonfire.
Crashed a party?: No.
Gone roller skating?: Had roller skates as a child, but it wasn't exactly something I did as an outing.
Thrown a party?: Yes
Had a wish come true?: Yes. Quite a few.
Jumped off a bridge?: Sounds like something I would do, but I don't recall ever doing it.
Ate dog/cat food?: No.
Told a complete stranger you love them?: No. Not even the drunken or I-love-you-as-a-friend kind.
Kissed a mirror?: No.
Sang in the shower?: Yes.
Have a little black dress?: No. I prefer long dresses. And red.
Had a dream that you married someone?: Yes. In the dream, it was my wedding day and I was panicking because I couldn't remember who I was marrying. I figured that if I couldn't remember him, then I probably shouldn't marry him--only I'd better find him quickly to explain that. Of note, my actual future husband was invited to the dream-wedding as a guest.
Glued your hand to something?: No.
Got your tongue stuck to a popsicle?: Yes.
Kissed a fish?: No.
Worn the opposite sex's clothes?: Yes.
Been a cheerleader?: No. We don't do cheerleading in the UK.
Sat on a roof top?: Yes.
Screamed at the top of your lungs?: Yes.
Done a one-handed cartwheel?: I was never good at two-handed ones.
Talked on the phone for more than 6 hours?: No. I'm not a phone person.
Picked and ate an apple?: Yes. We had apple trees when I was growing up.
Climbed a tree?: Yes. Several.
Had a tree house?: I think 'tree-house' is too glamourous a word for what we had, but we had a few boards up there.
Been scared to watch scary movies alone?: I can't even watch scary movies with other people there.
Believe(d) in ghosts?: Yes and no.
Worn a really ugly outfit to school just to see what the others would say?: Not for that reason.
Gone streaking?: I'm far too shy.
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?: It's possible, but I can't recall.
Been told you're hot by a complete stranger?: Not exactly, although an Italian guy made it very clear that he found me attractive one night.
Been easily amused?: All the time.
Caught a butterfly?: Yes.
Laughed so hard you cried?: Frequently.
Laughed so hard you peed in your pants?: No.
Mooned/Flashed someone?: Not unless my husband counts.
Had someone moon/flash you?: Yes.
Cheated on a test?: Once in Italian when the teacher went out of the room.
Forgotten someone's name?: I'm good with names, it's faces that I'm terrible with.
French braided someone's hair?: Only a barbie doll's.
Gone skinny dipping?: Not since I was three.
Gone out in public in your pajama's?: Yes. Boarding school, fire drills.... It was normal behaviour.
Kept a secret from everyone?: Yes.
Cried during a movie?: I'm getting worse at that as I get older.
Ever at anytime owned new kids on the block?: No.
Planned your week based on the TV Guide?: As a teenager, yes. These days, not so much.
Been on stage?: School play count?
Been to New York?: Yes.
Been to California?: Yes.
London?: Yes.
Canada?: Yes.
Tokyo?: No. Darn... I was having a good run there.
Been slapped?: Probably. See above mentioned catfight.
Been so depressed you just sat at home just eating and sleeping for days?: Well, not for days, but there was a time of my life when I didn't get dressed at the weekends.
Had a normal manicure?: No.
Had a french manicure?: No.
Been camping?: Yes.
Been backstabbed?: I don't tend to think of my life in such dramatic terms. Well... not in those dramatic terms anyway.
Lost a friend?: Yes.
Bungee jumped?: No.
Had someone you loved die?: Yes. But nothing really tragic, fortunately.
What did you want to be when you were younger?: I was going to be either an artist, a poet or a writer. Before that, it was a princess.
What's your favorite type of music?: Musicals. I like stories with my music.
What do you spend most your time doing?: Thinking.
Would you rather stay at home or go out?: I should go out more. I'm a homebird.
Which is your favorite 'fast food' restaurant?: Cheesecake factory count? I quite like Chick Fil-a.
What is your favorite restaurant?: Cheesecake Factory. Or the late, lamented Nello's in Wallingford.
Are you a farmer?: No.
If you could marry anyone who would it be?: I'll stick with my husband, thanks.
How much do you think about the opposite sex?: Generally speaking, I don't, except on an individual basis.
What's your favorite toothpaste?: Aquafresh Mild'n'Minty.
What kind of grades do you make?: Depends on the age. I tended to be on the A side before high school. By the time I graduated University, I was a solid B.
If you could go anywhere where would you go?: Cornwall. But replace 'go' with 'live'.
How many people do you live with?: One and two cats.
What are your favorite sports?: To do? Swimming. To watch? Tennis... F1... but I need to be doing something else while I watch.
How many kids do you want?: Er.. some?
What would you name them?: Well, when we get to that point, I'll probably want to consult my husband first.
Do you want to be married in the future?: Yes. Until death do us part, and all.
Want to marry anyone you know right now?: Already did.
Is your goal to be rich later in life?: No, although financial security is among the many plans for 'later in life'.
What color lipfloss/lipstick do you usually wear?: Lip floss. Now there's an image. I don't wear makeup, but on the rare occasions I do, it's the browny-reds I go for.
Coke or Pepsi?: I'm not fond of either, but coke's easier to get down.
Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi?: Same as above only less so.
What's the last thing you bought from a Pharmacy?: Contraceptive pills.
Have you ever been in a wreck?: Yes, but everybody walked away from it.
When do you usually go to bed?: Shortly after 10.
What's the worst thing you ever did?: I'm hesitant to name a 'worst' but I feel particularly uncomfortable over bullying a girl until she left the school when I was seven. At the time, I didn't understand that bullying was mental as well as physical, and I didn't think I was doing anything wrong. In my view, she was a bad person, so I shouldn't be nice to her. This is probably why I'm not a big fan of cartoon-style villains.
Do you attend church?: No.
How many friends do you have?: Lots, but few who live close to me.
What's your greatest acomplishment?: Probably getting a job and moving into my first place as soon as I left university. I made a lot of mistakes, but I'd been scared of going out on my own since the age of about 13 when I realised it was inevitable. Discovering I could do it was amazing.
What do you want to be when you're older?: Alive? Wise and happy.
What's your favorite PJ's?: Nightshirt.
What's your favorite thing to do?: Cuddle.
What color hair do you have?: Still brown (were they expecting it to grey during the course of the meme?)
Do you wear wigs/extensions?: No.
Do you sing well?: No, but that doesn't stop me when I'm on my own.
Would you eat a cockroach for $500/£500?: Maybe. I'd rather do it for £500 than $500 though.
Are you afraid of the dark?: Sometimes, but I love the dark.
Are you bored?: Not often.
Where's the last place you've been?: The beach, with the child I was babysitting.
Do you wear alot of black?: trousers and socks... I prefer colours.
Do you get along with your parents?: Yes.
Would you consider yourself 'popular'?: Most people tend to like me when they get to know me, but I was never part of the in-crowd (unless you count an online in-crowd).
Do you live in the country, burbs or city?: It's technically a city, but it's pretty darned suburban.
Most painful experience?: None that I care to think about.
Most happy experience?: I don't know... it's hard to pin down just one thing. I think the first kiss my husband gave me on our second attempt at a relationship was a good one. We'd been pretending we were purely platonic for weeks, and then he kissed me without thinking one night.
Have you ever been stalked?: Don't think so.
Have you ever egged a house?: No.
Do you go hunting (deer, duck, etc.)?: No. I don't even like fishing. I'm squeamish about death.
Do you support PETA?: The RSPCA.
Do people think you're crazy/insane?: I've been told so, although I don't think they meant clinically.
How many people on your AIM buddy list?: I don't do IM.
How many people on your MSN buddy list?: see above.
NHL or NFL?: Neither.
Do you ever scream into a pillow/cushion?: No.
Have you ever drowned a fish?: No.
How many songs do you know all the words to?: A lot. I need half-an-hour's worth of nursery rhymes for my repertoire at work, and I memorise most of the songs I like.
Do you listen to The Beatles?: Yes.
Do you listen to Eminem?: No.
Do you know anyone who thinks they're Eminem?: No.
Do you read books often?: Not as often as I used to...
Do you strive to fit in?: No.
Fave gum?: Not a gum person.
Do you snore?: Yes, but not every night.
Are you afraid of thunderstorms?: No, but they're danged annoying in the middle of the night.
DO you care what you look like?: I'm vain enough, but I don't go in much for beauty treatments--too time-consuming.
Is your hair color fake?: No.
Whatcha wearing?: Jeans and a short sleeved top.
When's the last time you talked to anyone?: About two minutes ago to my husband.
Do you 'fall in love' easily?: No.
What's your best physical feature?: My hair.
What's your worst physical feature?: My body hair. ;)
What attracts you most to the opposite sex?: Someone who isn't judgmental.
Are you picky about who you date?: I was. Well, I suppose these days, I'm even more picky. If you're not my husband, no dice.
Are you fussy about your foods?: Fairly, but not as much as I used to be.
What's your favorite perfume?: I don't wear perfume.
What's the best perfume for men?: I have a terrible sense of smell, so I have no idea.
What's the best perfume for women?: See above.
Do you like Roller Coasters?: Yes. But I prefer the twists to the drops.
Have you ever flown in an aeroplane?: Yes. Is this different to the plane mentioned above?
Do you have big feet?: Only in width.
Do you have small feet?: Yes.
What size feet are you?: 4 in UK size, which I think is 6 in US size (I should know this by now).
Do you wear make-up?: Only for really formal occasions.
If so, what?: Foundation, concealer, lipstick, blush, and maybe eyeshadow.
Ever been to Paris?: No.
Do you believe in Vampires?: No.
If you could become a Vampire, would you?: Of course not!
Would you call yourself normal?: No.
Have you ever stolen anything?: Oh, we're back to the tinsel thing.
Do you eat Sushi?: Well, I've tried it. Will not be making a habit out of it.
Have you ever been drunk, high or both?: Drunk, although not often. I usually get a headache first which kind of kills the mood. Plus, I'm easily excited, so it's cheaper to get high on the adrenaline.
Ever drove while drunk?: I can't drive while sober.
Do you drink alot or rarely?: Rarely.
How many people do you trust with your life?: Well, I doubt that's ever going to be something I have a choice in, but I think most people I know would try and keep me from dying.
Are you considered intelligent?: Yes and no. Like most people, I'm smart in some areas and stupid in others, so opinions of me depend on how the holder knows me.
Are you considered a nerd?: Probably.
Do you talk on the phone alot?: See the previous phone question.
How often do you take a shower?: Every other day unless there's a particular need for it. Yeah, I know that's hideously dirty by modern standards, but I really don't see that it's necessary. I tried showering every day once, but I find it physically impossible to take a quick shower and the time waste of it drove me mad.
What kind of body wash do you use?: Some Olay thing at the moment... I'm having dry skin problems.
What's your favorite candy bar?: Bournville. Or a curly wurly.
Ever got detention?: Yes.
If so, what for?: Not doing my homework, usually.
Ever been suspended?: No.
What for?: n/a
Which is better: Punk or Prep?: I've never been quite sure what 'prep' is. At school, it was homework.
Ever blown a beverage out your nose?: No.
Do you like jawbreakers?: I've had them, but not interested now.
What color mostly is in your room?: White. We rent so we don't have a choice.
What do you say alot?: 'like'. It's embarrassing, since it's looked down on, but I actually think it's a useful little word that doesn't deserve its reputation.
What's your best personality trait?: Compassion.
What's your worst personality trait?: Selfishness.
Do you have any medical problems?: Of course. Quite a few things--and probably more that I've never bothered getting officially diagnosed.
How many years have you had that?: All my life, for most of them. Some of them might have kicked in later.
Is it bad?: Nothing life-threatening or debilitating.
Can people get it from you?: Not unless some of them are genetic--I've no idea.
Can you die from it?: No.
Can you cure it?: Most of them are the treatable rather than curable kind.
Are you listening to anything?: My husband's music--I think it's Texas.
What's the last movie you've watched in Theaters?: I can't remember... Spiderman 3? Pirates 3? Transformers? Last summer anyway.
Who is your favorite friend?: My husband.
Who do you get along with the best?: My husband (it's boring, but that's the questions' fault).
Who do you fight with alot?: My parents, although we get along pretty well mostly.
Who is your funniest friend?: Don't know.
Do you talk too much?: Sometimes too much, sometimes not enough.
Did you ever fall asleep in class?: Not completely.
Sneakers/Heels/Flats?: Flats.
Can you do a cartwheel?: Not a good one.
Shorts/Jeans/Skirts?: Skirts. To quote one of JK Rowling's wizards: I like a nice breeze around my privates.
Double dates or just the two of you?: Just two.
Do you go to camp?: Not any more.
What's the last time your parents spanked you?: I imagine about twenty years ago.
Can you rhyme well?: I don't exactly practise.
Have you ever belonged to a gang?: No.
Know people who belong to a gang?: No.
Do you smoke cigars?: No
Do you know people who smoke cigars?: No.
Are you against smoking?: Yes. I accept that it's a personal choice, but as somebody who suffers from hay fever and similar allergies, it's hideously distasteful as a habit.
Ever known someone who had a heart attack from smoking and lived?: Not that I know of.
Ever known a person who had a heart attack because of smoking that died?: Again, not that I know of.
Indoors or outdoors?: Outdoors.
Have you ever gotten beaten up?: No.
Do you know how to cook?: No, but I get by.
How many dishes can you cook?: Without a cookbook? Three or four.
Any dishes that you made up by yourself?: Yes, but they're technically put together from various recipes.
How many?: Two or three?
Do you know how to do laundry?: Yes. Duh.
When you get a pizza, how many slices do you eat?: Depends on the size of the pizza. Three on average.
Do you consider yourself too fat/skinny?: Actually, I'm pretty happy with my weight at the moment. I'm not fit enough, but I'm neither fat nor skinny.
What's your least favorite color?: Brown. Colour of my school uniform.
Have you ever faked being sick?: When I was ten.
Ever done something illegal?: Yes, but nothing against my morals.
What's the longest you've stayed up for?: A little over 24 hours, at which point I was so grumpy I was close to tears.
Are you afraid of dying?: Well, I wouldn't like to die in the near future, but it's not something I lose sleep over.
What's your biggest regret?: This ties into the 'worst thing you ever did' question.
Ever picked up a hitch hiker?: No.
Is your name on any bathroom walls?: I'd be surprised.
What's the naughiest thing you've ever done?: Well, that's going to be very subjective, isn't it? Private too.
What's the worst present you've ever gotten?: A child's first quilt kit.
When was your worst day, and what happened?: I don't remember worst days.
When was your most perfect day, and what happened?: Oh I don't know. Probably the honeymoon days. Just myself and my husband and a tropical island.
Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?: A husband.
What annoys you most?: People passing judgment on others.
Favorite 'scary' movie?: Battle Royale.
Favorite 'action' movie?: Pirates of the Caribbean.
Favorite 'romantic' movie?: Beauty and the Beast
Favorite 'cartoon' movie?: Beauty and the Beast
Favorite 'comedy' movie?: Princess Bride
Favorite 'drama' movie?: La Vita e Bella
What's the most depressing movie?: Andre the Seal--dear god, I was desperate for that film to end, but I was taking my cousins so I couldn't walk out.
What's your favorite movie of all time?: Beauty and the Beast.
Do you have an accent?: Received Pronunciation English.
Who is your role model?: I don't have a single one. Several people have traits that inspire me.
Who looks up to you?: The kids at school? I know a few people have done in one online community (not TF-related). I think that's a demonstration of how luck and circumstances play in your reputation, but I'm egotistical enough to hope that I had a positive influence.
Do you like suprises?: Yes, although I'm more of a planned than spontaneous person.
What's the ideal age to die?: That's not something I feel comfortable answering.
Do you like to dance?: Yes. Not saying I can, but I love trying!
Ever took ballet?: Yes--but only when I was five.
Bold or pastel colors?: Rich ones.
Do you still wear Tommy Hilfiger?: Don't think I ever have done.
What brand do you wear most?: Target clearance. ;)
What do you normally watch on TV?: At the moment, Lost, Cheers, Survivor and TF:Animated. And, of course, the Daily Show.
Do you have any 'special' talents?: My memory's pretty good.
Can you swim?: Yes.
Can you play a musical instrument?: Piano but not well.
What star sign are you?: Sagittarius
Do you prefer public or private schools?: I have a soft spot for boarding schools, but I don't think that would ever be one of my criteria.
Do you care what people think about you?: Yes. It's a bad habit of mine.
Have you ever shot a gun?: No.
What's your biggest fear?: Don't know.
How many hours of sleep do you normally get?: 7 and something if the cats aren't being too annoying.
Regular or crushed ice?: Regular, although I usually prefer without.
Blue or black ink?: Whatever's in the nearest pen.
Are your clothes mostly loose or tight fit?: Comfortable, so loose.
Have any peircings?: Ears--after I realised I never bothered with earrings, it seemed pointless to pierce anywhere else.
Gold or silver?: Gold--I like warmer colours.
What kind of shampoo/conditioner do you use?: Selsun Plus. I have bad dandruff.
Do you blow-dry your hair?: Never.
What do you sleep in?: A bed. And a nightshirt.
What's the last book you've read?: The Island (about a leper colony). It was a huge disappointment... I should find something good to read to make up for it.
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera?: Well, neither, but I'll go for Christina since we share a birthday.
Spiderman or Dare Devil?: Spiderman.
Fractured a bone?: No.
Shower or Bath?: Bath.
Do you have any cavities?: Yes.
Have you ever worn braces?: Yes.
What do you live in?: A 3-bedroomed rented house. We own a 3-bed semi-detached (duplex) back in England.
Would you choose true love or to be rich?: Well, I already have love, so does that mean I can opt for wealth? ;) I'll stick with love.
Do you have Dial-Up or Broadband?: Broadband.
Do you play any computer games?: Yes.
What kind?: Simulation games--mostly Sims 2.
How long did it take you to finish this?: About an hour and a half? I took a few breaks.
What attracts you mostly to the opposite sex?: We've done this one.
What do you mostly look in a guy/girl?: I'm not answering variations on a theme.
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend on the computer?: No.
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend in real life?: No. Just the husband.
Do you fancy anyone in real life?: Yes.
Do you fancy anyone in the computer?: Not unless my husband's abroad and on Skype.
Do you believe in internet relationships?: My brother met his wife of seven years on the internet, so yes.
How old were you when you first had your bf/gf?: 19
How old were you when you first kissed?: 19
First made out?: What do you mean by 'made out'? Probably 19.
And there, at last, we've come to the end. Dear god.